Rededication for Captain Clifford Nichols - Zillebeke - 03/07/2024
A service took place on Thursday 3 July 2024 at Bedford House British Cemetery in Zillebeke on which Captain Clifford Nichols received a new headstone with his name on it.

Captain Nichols fell at the Battle of Passchendaele on 31 July 1917. At the time of his death, he was listed as a member of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers assigned to 164 Machine Gun Company. So he was given a headstone without his name on it. Recent research now revealed that it was indeed Captain Nichols' grave. 

Clifford Nichols was born in Harborne, Birmingham in 1890, one of four children born to Joseph Nichols and his wife Emily. He was educated at Dudley Grammar School and King’s Cathedral School, Worcester before qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 1912.   

He enlisted in the army in November 1914 and was commissioned as Second Lieutenant in December. He transferred to the 164th Machine Gun Company in 1917, serving with them in France and Flanders from January of that year.  

The service was led by Reverend Robert Mutter.

Different readings.

The Last Post followed by one minute of silence and the Reveillie.

Laying of the wreaths.

The Union Jack was given to the family of Captain Nichols.

  Page made by / - Foto's/Pictures Eric Compernolle.