Annual remembrance - Klerken - 14/05/2022
Op zaterdag 14 mei 2022 vond de jaarlijkse oorlogsherdenking plaats in Klerken en dit voor de slachtoffers van de Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog en de verschillende vredesmissies. De organisatie was in handen van de Vriendenkring Vredesmolen Klerken en de Oudstrijders- en Soldatenbond Klerken. 

The first tribute took place at the memorial plaque in remembrance of the 2/22ste and 3de linieregiment and the 1ste and 13de artillerieregiment. This plaque can be found at the peace mill, just outside the village of Klerken.

Laying of the wreaths by the military and civilian authorities and the patriotic associations.

The Last Post

The parade then left the peace mill to march back to the village of Klerken.

Next stop was the memorial stone for Willy Coppens, a Belgian pilot during the Great War.

A following tribute took place at the statue in remembrance of the military victims of Klerken (WW I and WW II). This staue is situated in front of the church of Klerken.

Afterwards all participants were invited to the reception for a drink. 

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