The Merkem stone in the crypt of the first IJzer Tower
Practical info
Crypt of the first IJzer Tower - IJzerdijk
Kaaskerke, Diksmuide
GPS-Reference R6007 - KAASKERKE - Paxpoort
DMSX N 51°01'52.7'' - E002°51'12.7''
DMX N 51°01.879' - E002°51.212'
D N 51.031310° - E002.853532°
UTM 31U E 489729 N 5653316
GOOGLE EARTH 51 01.879 N, 002 51.212 E
• Mapquest
The Merkem stone is an old sink stone from the destroyed front village. During a night operation of Flemish soldiers in World War I, demanding the application of the language laws, they wrote on the stone “Hier ons bloed, wanneer ons recht” (Here our blood, when do we get our rights).
Other items in Kaaskerke