There are 82 results

Title Town Suburb Detail
La Clytte Military Cemetery Heuvelland De Klijte
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the victims of De Klijte Heuvelland De Klijte
Memorial stone in remembrance of the French soldiers 'killed in action' at De Klijte Heuvelland De Klijte
Dranouter Churchyard Heuvelland Dranouter
Dranoutre Military Cemetery Heuvelland Dranouter
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the war-veterans of Dranouter Heuvelland Dranouter
Statue in remembrance of the victims of Dranouter Heuvelland Dranouter
American memorial stone in remembrance of the 27th and 30th division Heuvelland Kemmel
Clock-face of the prewar Sint-Laurentiuskerk Heuvelland Kemmel
Demarcation stone n°. 14 Heuvelland Kemmel
Demarcation stone n°. 15 Heuvelland Kemmel
Godezonne Farm Cemetery Heuvelland Kemmel
Irish House Cemetery Heuvelland Kemmel
Kemmel Chateau Military Cemetery Heuvelland Kemmel
Kemmel Churchyard Heuvelland Kemmel
Kemmel N°.1 French Cemetery Heuvelland Kemmel
Klein Vierstraat British Cemetery Heuvelland Kemmel
La Laiterie Military Cemetery Heuvelland Kemmel
Lindenhoek Chalet Military Cemetery Heuvelland Kemmel
Memorial in remembrance of the victims of Kemmel Heuvelland Kemmel
Obelisk in remembrance of the 32rd French division Heuvelland Kemmel
Shelters Lettenberg Heuvelland Kemmel
Suffolk Cemetery Heuvelland Kemmel
Commemorative column in remembrance of the French soldiers killed in action near Mount Kemmel Heuvelland Loker
Commemorative column in remembrance of the victims of Loker (WW I and WW II) Heuvelland Loker
Demarcation stone n°. 7 Heuvelland Loker
Demarcation stone n°. 8 Heuvelland Loker
French military cemetery Mount Kemmel Heuvelland Loker
Grave of Major William Redmond Heuvelland Loker
Irish wall Heuvelland Loker
Locre Hospice Cemetery Heuvelland Loker
Locre N°10 Cemetery Heuvelland Loker
Loker Churchyard Heuvelland Loker
Memorial in remembrance of several French units Heuvelland Loker
Obelisk in remembrance of unknown French soldiers, killed in action in Belgium Heuvelland Loker
Stained-glass window in remembrance of WW I Heuvelland Loker
Kandahar Farm Cemetery Heuvelland Nieuwkerke
Maple Leaf Cemetery Heuvelland Nieuwkerke
Nieuwkerke Churchyard Heuvelland Nieuwkerke
Statue in remembrance of the victims of Nieuwkerke (WW I and WW II) Heuvelland Nieuwkerke
Westhof Farm Cemetery Heuvelland Nieuwkerke
Memento mori in remembrance of the military victims of Westouter Heuvelland Westouter
Statue in remembrance of the victims of Westouter (WW I and WW II) Heuvelland Westouter
Westouter Churchyard and Extension Heuvelland Westouter
Westoutre British Cemetery Heuvelland Westouter
Bayernwald Heuvelland Wijtschate
Cabin Hill Cemetery Heuvelland Wijtschate
Commemorative column in remembrance of the victims of Wijtschate (WW I and WW II) Heuvelland Wijtschate
Croonaert Chapel Cemetery Heuvelland Wijtschate
Cross of the London Scottish regiment Heuvelland Wijtschate
Derry House Cemetery N°.2 Heuvelland Wijtschate
German shaft in the Kampagnebos Heuvelland Wijtschate
Irish remembrance monuments Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Hollandsche Schuur nr. 1 Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Hollandsche Schuur nr. 2 Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Hollandsche Schuur nr. 3 Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Kruisstraat nr. 2 Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Kruisstraat nr. 3 Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Kruisstraat nrs. 1 en 4 Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Maedelstede Farm Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Ontario Farm Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Peckham Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Petit Bois (left) Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Petit Bois (right) Heuvelland Wijtschate
Krater Spanbroekmolen - 'Pool of peace' Heuvelland Wijtschate
Lone Tree Cemetery Heuvelland Wijtschate
Memorial cross of the 16th Irish division Heuvelland Wijtschate
Memorial cross of the 19th Western division, Messines 1917 Heuvelland Wijtschate
Memorial plaque near the pool of peace Heuvelland Wijtschate
Memorial stone in remembrance of the '1ste Franse bataljon jagers te voet' Heuvelland Wijtschate
Memorialplaque 57th Wild Rifles Heuvelland Wijtschate
Oosttaverne Wood Cemetery Heuvelland Wijtschate
R.E. Farm Cemetery Heuvelland Wijtschate
Somer Farm Cemetery Heuvelland Wijtschate
Spanbroekmolen British Cemetery Heuvelland Wijtschate
Torreken Farm Cemetery N°.1 Heuvelland Wijtschate
Wytschaete Military Cemetery Heuvelland Wijtschate
Memorial in remembrance of the victims of Wulvergem Heuvelland Wulvergem
Packhorse Farm Shrine Cemetery Heuvelland Wulvergem
Pond Farm Cemetery Heuvelland Wulvergem
Wulvergem Churchyard Heuvelland Wulvergem
Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery Heuvelland Wulvergem
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