There are 71 results

Title Town Suburb Detail
Memorial plaque in remembrance of Luitenant-Kolonel M. Rademakers Diksmuide Beerst
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the civilian victims of Beerst (WW I) Diksmuide Beerst
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the military victims of Beerst Diksmuide Beerst
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the military victims of Beerst killed in action Diksmuide Beerst
City Archives Diksmuide Diksmuide Diksmuide
Italiëplein Diksmuide Diksmuide
Memorial in remembrance of Admiral Ronarc'h and the marine-fuseliers Diksmuide Diksmuide
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the military and civilian victims (WW I and WW II) and political prisoners (WW II) Diksmuide Diksmuide
Memorial veterans Diksmuide Diksmuide Diksmuide
Statue of General Jacques Diksmuide Diksmuide
French burial at Esen communal cemetery Diksmuide Esen
Graves of 49 civilianians of Esen, killed by the Germans Diksmuide Esen
Memento mori in remembrance of the 8ste/18de linieregiment Diksmuide Esen
Memorial plaque in remenbrance of the 8ste/18de linieregiment Diksmuide Esen
Retable in remembrance of the military and civilian victims of Esen Diksmuide Esen
Stained-glass window in remembrance of the military and civilian victims of Esen Diksmuide Esen
Statue of the Holy Hart in remembrance of the civilian and military victims of Esen (WW I and WW II) Diksmuide Esen
Albertina memorial 'Petroleumtanks 1914-1918' Diksmuide Kaaskerke
Chapel in remembrance of all allied forces killed at the IJzer Diksmuide Kaaskerke
Chapel in remembrance of P. de Goussencourt Diksmuide Kaaskerke
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the military vicitims of Kaaskerke Diksmuide Kaaskerke
Remembrance Plaque soldaat André Waucquez Diksmuide Kaaskerke
The IJzer Tower - Memorial of Flemish emancipation Diksmuide Kaaskerke
Trench of death Diksmuide Kaaskerke
Wallpainting 'Holy Mary of Flanders' Diksmuide Kaaskerke
Belgian military cemetery Keiem Diksmuide Keiem
Statue in remembrance of the war-veterans and the civilian victims of Keiem Diksmuide Keiem
Albertina memorial 'Chirurgische post Sint-Jansmolen 1916-1917' Diksmuide Lampernisse
Memorial plaque Belgian 1ste Compagnie Mitrailleurs het 8ste Linieregiment Diksmuide Lampernisse
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the military and civilian victims of Lampernisse Diksmuide Lampernisse
Memorial in remembrance of the civilian and military victims of Leke (WW I and WW II) Diksmuide Leke
Memento mori in remembrance of the military victims of Nieuw-, Oude- and St.-Jacobskapelle Diksmuide Nieuwkapelle
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the civilian victims Diksmuide Nieuwkapelle
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the military victims Diksmuide Nieuwkapelle
Memorial plaque Mrs. Favarger-Tack Diksmuide Nieuwkapelle
Chapel in remembrance of the civilian and military victims of Oostkerke (WW I and WW II) Diksmuide Oostkerke
Chapel in remembrance of the old church of Oostkerke Diksmuide Oostkerke
Memorial stone in memory of soldaat Gustave Prevost Diksmuide Oostkerke
Albertina memorial 'De Grognie Chirurgische post 1916-1917' Diksmuide Oudekapelle
Commemorative column in remembrance of the soldiers of the 2nd battery heavy houwitsers, killed in action Diksmuide Oudekapelle
Obelisk in remembrance of the military and civilian victims (WW I and WW II) Diksmuide Oudekapelle
Shelter in the Grote Beverdijkstraat Diksmuide Oudekapelle
Albertina memorial '1914-1918 Observatiepost Pervijze' Diksmuide Pervijze
Chapel in remembrance of the victims (WW I and WW II) Diksmuide Pervijze
Landscape art Pervijze Diksmuide Pervijze
Observation Post Pervijze Diksmuide Pervijze
Remembrance plaque in remembrance of the victims of the 2de and 22ste Linieregiment Diksmuide Pervijze
Remembrance plaque in remembrance of the victims of the 3de and 23ste Linieregiment Diksmuide Pervijze
Stained Glass Window in remembrance of soldaat Renaat De Ridder Diksmuide Pervijze
Commemorative column in remembrance of the victims (WW I and WW II) Diksmuide Sint-Jacobskapelle
Albertina memorial 'Grote Wacht Reigersvliet 1914-1918' Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Albertina memorial 'Slag aan de IJzer 18-31 oktober 1914' Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Albertina memorial 'Tervatebrug 21-23 oktober 1914' Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Albertina memorial 'Vicogne Voorpost 1914-1918' Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Commemorative column 2de bataljon 1ste grenadiers Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Flag of the warveterans Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the 1ste en 2de regiment karabiniers and the battle of the IJzer oktober 1914 Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the 8ste linieregiment and the battle of the IJzer oktober 1914 Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Memorial plaque in remembrance of the military victims Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Oud-Stuivekens, O.L.-Vrouwhoekje Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Stained-glass window in remembrance of soldaat H. Dewicke Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Stained-glass window in remembrance of soldaat T. Dekeyne Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Statue of the Holy Mary saved from the fire in 1914 Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Wallpainting in remembrance of WW I Diksmuide Stuivekenskerke
Chapel in remembrance of the victims of Vladslo Diksmuide Vladslo
German military cemetery Vladslo Diksmuide Vladslo
Monument Lehr Infanterie Regiment Diksmuide Vladslo
Statues of the 'Sorrowful parents' Diksmuide Vladslo
Memorial plaque in remembrance of a 'compagnie wielrijders en vrijwilligers van het 1ste lansiers/lichte grenadiers/4de legerdivisie' Diksmuide Woumen
Memorial plaque in remembrance of luitenant Ivan Colmant and the 20ste linieregiment Diksmuide Woumen
Statue in remembrance of the victims (WW I and WW II) Diksmuide Woumen
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