BROOKE, Captain, JAMES ANSON OTHO, V C, 2nd Bn. Gordon Highlanders. 29th October 1914. Age 30. Son of Sir Harry Vesey Brooke, K.B.E., and Lady Brooke, of Fairley, Countesswells, Aberdeenshire. Awarded the Sword of Honour at Sandhurst.
Zantvoorde British Cemetery VI. E. 2.
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 16th Feb., 1915, records the following:-"For conspicuous bravery and great ability near Gheluvelt on the 29th October, in leading two attacks on the German trenches under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire, regaining a lost trench at a very critical moment. He was killed on that day. By his marked coolness and promptitude on this occasion Lieutenant Brooke prevented the enemy from breaking through our line, at a time when a general counter-attack could not have been organised."