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Victor Gustave Antoine Bascour (geboren te Leopoldsburg), Sergeant BV 1907, 1 Jagers te Voet ½, overleed te Bristol (U.K) op 19 januari 1915. Hij werd er drie dagen later bijgezet op de begraafplaats "Holy South Bath road". Sergeant Bascour (No. 22310), who served in the 1st Chasseurs Belgian Army, died at Southmead Hospital on 19th January 1915 from shrapnel wounds. On the eve of his funeral his coffin was conveyed to St. Bonaventure’s Church in Egerton Road, Bishopston, and at 10 o’clock the following morning a Solemn Requiem Mass was sung by the Rev. Father Malachy, who was assisted by the Rev. Father Bernardine. At 11.00 a.m. the coffin was then placed upon a gun carriage and drawn to the Catholic Cemetery at Arno’s Vale, where the committal was read by Father Bernadine. A firing party was furnished by the 4th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment, Sergeants from which corps acted as bearers. A floral cross was sent by the Red Cross Society.